Braver Angels Arkansas

Braver Angels ( is a citizen's organization uniting red and blue Americans in a working alliance to depolarize America

Our Goal

Our goal is to establish a vibrant and active organization in Arkansas as we seek to reach across the political divide and develop greater respectful communications and, where feasible, collaborations to help solve problems facing our state and nation.

Braver Angels is a citizens’ organization uniting red and blue Americans in a working alliance to depolarize America. We try to understand the other side’s point of view, even if we don’t agree with it. We engage those we disagree with, looking for common ground and ways to work together. We support principles that bring us together rather than divide us.

Learn more about the Braver Angels organization HERE. Learn more about Braver Angels Arkansas by reviewing the pages on this website via the dropdown menus above, and also visit our Facebook page. Check out our current newsletter below on this page or under the "What's Happening" menu.

Interested in knowing more about our Arkansas alliance or in volunteering to help? Complete this survey


  State Co-Coordinators:  

David Childs & Glen White 

 Alliance Co-Chairs:  

Lisa McNeir  -

Ray Hanley - 


Our website: 

Our Facebook page:

Our "On The Other Hand" podcast:  

Our YouTube channel: 


Our upcoming presentation in Monticello, AR, Tuesday, February 25, 6:30-7:45 pm:


Are you concerned about the increasing division and incivility in our country and community? Do you want to see more respect and compromise in our politics? Would you like to learn how to have more respectful conversations with others of differing political views? Then join Braver Angels Arkansas, an alliance of the national Braver Angels organization, for this upcoming public presentation in Monticello, AR:


“Braving Societal Polarization:  Preserving Our Relationships & Our Democratic Republic”


Tuesday, February 25, 6:30-7:45 pm

Southeast Arkansas Regional Library, Monticello Branch

114 West Jefferson Ave., Monticello, AR  71655


For more information:  Kathy Carmical at 870-723-2142


Braver Angels Arkansas, an alliance of the national Braver Angels organization, will offer this public presentation on Tuesday, February 25, 6:30-7:45 pm, at the Southeast Arkansas Regional Library in Monticello. We will provide information about the problems with political polarization, potential solutions, and how Braver Angels, a national, non-partisan organization led by a small staff and a multitude of citizen volunteers, works to bring Americans together to bridge the partisan divide, reduce extreme political polarization, strengthen our democratic republic, and restore civil discourse.  We’ll include plenty of time for questions and discussion. 


For more information about Braver Angels, go to

For more information, email us at: 



Civil Conversations series: Co-sponsored by Braver Angels Arkansas & Garland County Library

The topic for the March 2 civil conversation will be “The Economy and Its Rippling Impacts.” The conversation series is offered monthly on the first Sunday from 2 – 4 p.m. at the Garland County Library, 1427 Malvern Ave., Hot Springs. Please contact Cathi, 307-763-6015 or for additional information. All are welcome! 

Series schedule: We meet 2-4 pm on the 1st Sunday of each month at the Garland County library at 1427 Malvern Ave. Click here for more info.

Skills for difficult conversationsWould you like to learn tips for having more productive and respectful conversations about politics? Check out these two short videos that highlight LAPP (Listen, Acknowledge, Pivot, Perspective) skills we teach in some of our workshops: 

LAPP skills - on Braver Angels Arkansas YouTube channel:

Tips on LAPP skills - on  Braver Angels Arkansas YouTube channel:  

Check out our new, upcoming Programs & Events!