
National Braver Angels website:

Below is a link to a documentary about Braver Angels on YouTube. Filmed at an early workshop that brought together liberals and conservatives shortly after the 2016 election, this 50-minute peek into a Red-Blue workshop offers hope that good people of differing ideologies can communicate and relate with respect to each other without giving up our fundamental beliefs.

If you are new to Zoom and want free tips on how to more effectively Zoom our events, check out this training piece on ZOOM basics.

How to talk to those who distribute misinformation:…/…

The moral roots of political beliefs:

Learn how to de-polarize your conversations and your social media behavior: Complete these online Braver Angels E-Courses by going to and selecting the “Skills for Bridging the Divide” and “Skills for Social Media” courses. 

Fact-checking sites to identify and combat mis/disinformation and to promote media literacy

·       FactCheck (

·       Politifact (

·       Snopes (

·       News Literacy Project ( Education on media literacy & identifying credible news

·       All Sides Media ( Created to offer a sampling of news from the left, center and right politically, All Sides Media rates various sources’ perspective via a Media Bias Chart. 

·       Adfontes Media ( provides an interactive media bias chart that rates sources on political leanings as well as accuracy.