About Us

Braver Angels of Arkansas is an alliance/chapter of the larger Braver Angels organization

Braver Angels of Arkansas (BAAR) consists of an Executive Committee (EC), a Volunteer Working Group (VWG), General Alliance members, and Alliance Co-Chairs. Guests are always welcome to attend alliance meetings and will be encouraged to join Braver Angels as dues-paying members. (Only dues-paying members - $12 per year - qualify to be officers and to vote.)

For a current version of our Alliance charter, click here.

Volunteer Working Group

For Braver Angels members who are willing to devote their time and energy to a larger role, we invite volunteers to become part of the VWG regardless of their political leaning. This group supports the activities of BAAR such as:

The first two types of members above include trained/certified (via national BA process) moderators, organizers, participant managers, & Zoom feature managers.  They may form as a separate program committee with one person designated as leader.

Social Media

• Follow our Facebook page – search Facebook for Braver Angels Arkansas or @braverangelsarkansas.

• Check out our YouTube channel – Braver Angels Arkansas

• We also have a modest presence on INSTAGRAM

Programs and Events

Since we first began working to develop a Braver Angels alliance in central Arkansas, we have hosted several events, beginning with a skills workshop at St. Michael’s Episcopal Church in November 2018. Other workshops were held in 2019 in Fort Smith, Jacksonville, and in Little Rock at the main Central Arkansas Public Library. In 2022 through 2022, we hosted several workshops, programs and events online. Since 2023, we have hosted both virtual and in person events. 

Is your group, church or organization interested in hearing more about Braver Angels? Would your group like information on how to reduce polarization and to have difficult conversations using skills that promote mutual respect and improved communication? We provide presentations on Braver Angels and polarization-reducing strategies to local groups and organizations upon request. Past such outreach has included Rotary Clubs, Little Rock's Catholic High School senior class, St. Mark’s Episcopal Church, book clubs, merchants’ associations, college groups, university staff and student training and others. Contact us (see contact links under "More" menu at top of this page) if you'd like to talk about our presenting to your group.  We never charge for our work, although we welcome donations to our alliance if your group is willing and able to do so. 

We began monthly public meetings online in July 2020 and currently schedule presentations and workshops upon request by area groups, churches and organizations. We encourage you to contact us if interested in a presentation or workshop by us. You can also go to the national website (https://braverangels.org/events/) for a schedule of various national and local online workshops and events.